Details of Research Area

This research area aims to pioneer the innovative concept of Chemical Structure Reprogramming (SReP) as a new paradigm-shifting approach to crafting intricate substances. SReP is defined as methodological framework facilitating the modification of molecular architectures by substitution, insertion, or elimination of atom(s) on demand. The implementation of SReP holds promise of streamlining the synthesis of diverse chemical structures, which circumvents the tedious processes of traditional synthesis, and unlocks avenues to previously inaccessible molecular configurations. Within this research domain, we aim to advance and refine SReP methodologies through interdisciplinary collaboration spanning organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and supramolecular chemistry.

Call for Proposals and Expectations for Publicly Offered Research, etc.

This research area seeks to forge a SReP methodology by fostering collaborative endeavors among researchers specializing in diverse domains: organic chemistry (A01), inorganic chemistry (A02), macromolecular chemistry (A03), and physical chemistry (A04). To reshape the landscape of synthetic science without the constraints of conventional academic boundaries, we invite publicly offered research from multifaceted backgrounds. We invite proposals that offer clear and specific insights into the synthetic methodologies and their innovative contributions to the SReP of target substances. We encourage applicants to propose the distinctive synthetic methods and to elucidate their novelty. Furthermore, recognizing the transformative potential of collaborative synergy, we urge researchers to include feasible collaboration avenues with peers in related fields.

The objective of Group A01 is to pioneer SReP methodologies tailored to organic molecules. We invite proposals aimed at innovating new reactions that challenge the confines of conventional organic synthesis. These may include skeletal editing via elimination, insertion, or substitution of atom(s), isomerization and rearrangement of molecular skeleton, epimerization independent of thermodynamics, isotope labeling of molecular skeleton, among others. We welcome diverse approaches to realizing the SReP method, which spans homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis, photochemical reactions, electrochemical reactions, and beyond.

Group A02 is dedicated to advancing SReP methodologies tailored to inorganic materials, encompassing metal complexes, metal clusters/nanoparticles, and oxide clusters. We seek proposals that confront the longstanding challenge of precisely controlling metal species, geometric arrangements, and nucleus numbers, which would enable post-synthesis editing of inorganic materials. We particularly encourage proposals exploring SReP methods grounded in molecular chemical approaches, which are poised for collaboration with Group A01.

Group A03 is tasked with pioneering SReP methodologies tailored to a diverse array of macromolecular groups, spanning proteins, nucleic acids, sugars, biopolymers, synthetic polymers, coordination polymers, supramolecules, and two-dimensional layered materials. While conventional methods like the click reaction enable modification of macromolecules at their terminal site and their side chains, we invite proposals focused on substructural transformations of the macromolecular backbone itself—a challenge often elusive to traditional approaches.

Group A04 serves as a catalyst for the advancement of SReP within Groups A01-A03, leveraging cutting-edge measurement techniques, analyses, and simulations. We encourage proposals aimed at unraveling the intricate chemical structures and reaction mechanisms of newly developed SReP methods through the application of innovative physicochemical methods. This includes but is not limited to, time-resolved spectroscopic measurements (e.g., XAFS), large-scale quantum chemical calculations, high-resolution TEM imaging, advanced measurements (e.g., STM), and catalyst design utilizing informatics.

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